Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Phone: 1-207-430-8334, 1-866-834-4357 (HELP) (hotline)
Types of Services Offered: Domestic Violence Services, Information & Referral, Education & Training
Category: Non-Profit

Mission: To create and encourage a social, political, and economic environment in which domestic violence no longer exists, and to ensure that all people affected by domestic abuse and violence are supported and that batterers are held accountable, MCEDV mobilizes and coordinates community action through a statewide network of domestic violence projects. Through these partnerships, we focus our resources on public policy, education, and systems advocacy.

1 Weston Court, #2, Augusta, ME, Maine, ALASKA AND CONTINENTAL US

1-207-430-8334, 1-866-834-4357 (HELP) (hotline)

domestic violence, abuse, trauma informed approaches to care

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