Catholic Social Service - Guma San Jose Homeless Shelter

Catholic Social Service - Guma San Jose Homeless Shelter

Phone: 1-671-633-2955
Fax: 1-671-635-1444
Types of Services Offered: Housing Services, Public Assistance Services
Category: Non-Profit

About us

Catholic Social Service, in partnership with the Bureau of Social Services, Department of Public Health & Social Services (BOSSA/DPHSS), opened Guma San Jose (House of Saint Joseph) in June of 1990.

Guma San Jose provides 15 – 22 beds for families and/or individuals who are in need of emergency shelter and who have no fixed, regular night-time residence; lives in a temporary, public or private place not designated for sleeping; or in places not fit for human habitation.

**Updated as of 9/7/2020**

Services provided:

  • Twenty-four (24) hour shelter up to sixty (60) days. 
  • Three meals daily. 
  • Case management services to access public assistance programs, housing assistance, medical or other treatment services, and employment assistance.
  • Support services such as transportation to appointments, food and clothing assistance.
  • Drop-in services for meal preparation, showers, and laundry.
  • Client workshops including Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) to help clients learn how to stretch their food dollars, fire safety and prevention, and parenting; financial literary for managing income and budgeting; and literacy programs.

Admission to the Shelter:
  1. Individuals or families must fill out an intake application form.
  2. If determined eligible, the individual or family may be admitted to the shelter if beds are available.
  3. If there are no beds available, the individual or family is placed on a wait list, and assisted on a first come, first served basis.
  4. Shelter stay is up to 60 days.  Shelter stay may be extended up to 120 days if individuals are involved in ongoing job development and financial management activities.

**Updated as of 9/7/2020**

Terry Mortera

Catalina Lane , Dededo , GUAM, GUAM



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

08:00 AM

05:00 PM

Infants, Children, Teens, Adults, Seniors

public assistance

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