Department of Public Health and Social Services - State Office on Aging - Division of Senior Citizens

Department of Public Health and Social Services - State Office on Aging - Division of Senior Citizens

Phone: 1-671-735-7011/7382
Fax: 1-671-735-7416
Types of Services Offered: Information & Referral, Medical & Health Services, Support Services
Category: Government Local


In accordance with Public Law 14-139, the Division of Senior Citizens (DSC), Guam’s State Office on Aging (GSOA) plans, coordinates and implements programs geared toward assisting older individuals in addressing their needs and problems, and in their attainment or maintenance of a satisfying lifestyle. The DSC, GSOA is charged with the responsibility of administering the Title III programs mandated by the Older Americans Act (OAA) of 1965, as amended by the OAA Amendments of 2000 and 2006, and the development and administration of Guam's Four Year State Plan on Aging (2008-2011).

**Updated as of 09/04/2020**

Services Offered (Product/Services):

  • Four Year State Plan on Aging serves as the blueprint to provide direction in planning and implementing long-term care initiatives. The Plan shall reflect and respond to the needs of an increasing number of older individuals, aim to help Guam’s aging community maintain independence and dignity in their homes and communities, and address the reality of fiscal and resource limitations.

  • Senior Citizens Month is celebrated annually during the month of May to recognize Guam’s older individuals. The aging network, in collaboration with several government agencies, provides a number of activities in celebration of the month which includes the Governor’s Conference on Aging, Legislative Reception, SMP/SHIP Volunteers Banquet, Proclamation Signing, Centenarian Recognition Celebration, Frail Elderly Mass, May Crowning at St. Dominic’s Senior Care Home, and an event sponsored by the Elderly Nutrition Program Vendor.

  • The Guam Council on Senior Citizens (GCSC) was created under P.L. 14-139 in 1978. The Council shall consist of 17 members, the majority of whom shall be at least 55 years or older and appointed by the Governor. They represent different entities of the community. Some of their functions and responsibilities are to: 1) Furnish leadership needed for long-range planning; 2) Work along with the Director for the coordination and implementation of programs, activities and services for the elderly; 3) Serve as an advocate for the elderly; and 4) Adopt rules and regulations necessary for the implementation of provisions of Public Law 14-139.  The GCSC has been inactive since January 2003.



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

08:00 AM

09:00 PM




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