University of Guam - I Pinangon Campus Suicide Prevention Program

University of Guam - I Pinangon Campus Suicide Prevention Program

Phone: 1-671-735-2883
Types of Services Offered: Counseling Services, Information & Referral, Campus Resources, Education & Training, Support Services
Category: Government Local


Pinangon means “awakening” in Chamorro, and signifies the program’s primary goal of raising awareness of the problem of suicide in our communities. Recent data show Guam’s suicide incidence rate to be 16 deaths per 100,000 population, which is significantly higher than the U.S. mainland rate of 11 deaths per 100,000 population. Through educating the University community about suicide prevention measures and practices, I Pinangon strives to decrease Guam’s high suicide incidence rate.
In 2005, I Pinangon was created through a federally funded grant awarded to the University of Guam by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. UOG was one of 22 college and university campuses to be funded under the Garrett Lee Smith Memorial Act to create a suicide prevention program that operates in alignment with the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
I Pinangon is affiliated with the University of Guam’s Isa Psychological Services Center, where psychological assessment and treatment services are provided by licensed clinical psychologists and student trainees from the Psychology Program in the College of Liberal Arts & Social Sciences.
Pinangon supports and works in alignment with the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention.
In 2001, The United States Surgeon General and Assistant Secretary for Health presented the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention, which created a framework for suicide prevention for the nation. The National Strategy for Suicide Prevention was designed to serve as a model to be adopted or modified for states and communities. Additionally, it provides legitimacy for local groups to make suicide prevention a high priority for action.

**Updated as of 09/02/2020**

I Pinangon provides classroom presentations, training, and educational seminars to the University community.

A comprehensive and interactive suicide prevention presentation has been developed for students and employees. Other educational information is provided through a series of seminars and forums on specific issues, ideas, and perspectives on the subject of suicide and suicide prevention within our community.
I Pinangon provides a sustainable on campus network of student services to identify, assess, treat and/or refer mental health and behavioral problems.
A partnership has been created with various University and community organizations to support suicide prevention activities.
I Pinangon provides campus suicide prevention information and skill development for University students, employees, and their families.
The program serves as a resource facility to students, their families, faculty and staff of the University of Guam. Informational materials available include: suicide prevention pamphlets, brochures for individuals and families, wellness guides, community resource directories along with a comprehensive website. Additionally, a two-day workshop is provided for key members of the University who want to feel more comfortable, confident and competent in helping to prevent the immediate risk of suicide.

**Updated as of 09/02/2020**

University Dr, , Mangilao, GUAM, GUAM

UOG Station, Mangilao, GUAM, GUAM


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

09:00 AM

05:00 PM


Children, Teens, Adults

UOG, university, campus, suicide, prevention, suicide prevention program, information & referral, education & training, support services, government local, mental health, behavioral health

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